The Balcony

The Promise of Ruin(s), Chapter two: Misfortunes of the Turbo-tasking
Liam Gillick, Joséphine Kaeppelin & Vincnet Knopper, 2022
Installation view
Photo credit: The Baclony
The Balcony is an exhibition and studio space based in The Hague. Since 2018, we curate exhibitions supporting upcoming practices with a focus on alternative formats of display, keen on collaborations and cross-generational exchange. Before moving to our permanent city centre location in 2021, The Balcony was hosted in a violin store vitrine, and in the basement of a former office space.
Since 2022 The Balcony works in exhibition cycles and each presentation is articulated as a Chapter. The Promise of Ruin(s) included seven chapters, and two chapters from its ongoing film-focused cycle Slow Drift(s). In March 2025 The Balcony is launching a new exhibition cycle titled Extractive Imagination(s), exploring the relationships between extraction and consumption as simultaneous processes. This program examines both ethical and unethical channels of resource and knowledge management, extending its inquiry into artistic practices and the systems that govern them.
Extractive Imagination(s) serves as an extension of our previous cycle, The Promise of Ruin(s), which examined the parallels between artistic labor and leisure in a society driven by efficiency. Similarly, this cycle is organised into chapters, each featuring a trio of artists from different backgrounds and career stages. The upcoming exhibitions foster dialogue between Netherlands-based and international artists, offering a trans-historical approach to exhibition-making by pairing the works of established makers with those of mid-career and emerging artists.
Alongside these exhibitions, The Balcony realises one yearly exchange with project spaces in Europe called extra_muros. Each presentation is accompanied by a diverse public program, which has become increasingly significant since 2023.
The Balcony was founded by Arthur Cordier (BE) and Valentino Russo (IT), and is curated together with Abril Cisneros Ramirez (MX), Mari Kolcheva (BG), and Ariane Toussaint (FR).

Slow Drift(s), Chapter two: Larry Achiampong & David Blandy
Larry Achiampong & David Blandy , 2024
Installation view
Photo credit: The Baclony

The Promise of Ruin(s), Chapter seven: Eternal Sunshine of the Restless Mind
Céline Berger, Thijs Linssen & Cathleen Owens , 2024
Installation view
Photo credit: The Baclony

The Promise of Ruin(s), Chapter five: Fully Worktioning
Rinus Van de Velde, Alexis Gautier & Harriet Rose Morley, 2023
Installation view
Photo credit: The Baclony

The Promise of Ruin(s), Chapter four: L'entracte. The insincere charm of things
Marcel Broodthaers, Louis Randaxhe & Aline Bouvy, 2023
Installation view
Photo credit: The Baclony

The Promise of Ruin(s), Chapter six: Genral Morphology of Urbanism
Sean Charlton White, 2023
Installation view
Photo credit: The Baclony

The Promise of Ruin(s), Chapter six: Genral Morphology of Urbanism
Denicolai & Provoost, 2023
Installation view
Photo credit: The Baclony

Slow Drift(s), Chapter one: Peggy Ahwesh
Peggy Ahwesh, 2024
Installation view
Photo credit: The Baclony
Our exhibition and public programs bridge the gap between recently graduated, upcoming and established artists. We support the production of new works, which we contextualise in relation to the practice of more established artists, oftentimes more known to the general audience – giving several entry points to our program.Location:
The Hague, NetherlandsFounded:
Rental of City Council propertyFunding:
Our financing mix has been structured through a combination of local and national funding sources. In recent years, we secured support from Stroom Den Haag, the Mondriaan Fonds Kunstenaar Honorarium, and Erfgoed Starters. Additionally, we generate revenue through sales of drinks and editions, rental fees from exhibition and studio spaces, and private sponsorship from the local AV company SBAE. While project funding has enabled fair remuneration for artists and some of our team members, the organization continues to seek structural funding to ensure stable compensation for its core team.Other Funding:
project-based local and national public fundingLegal Status:
Non-profit organisation (stichting)Team:
Arthur Cordier (BE, 1993) is Artistic Director and Head of Production Valentino Russo (IT, 1994) is Artistic Director and Project Manager Ariane Toussaint (FR, 1996) is Assistant Curator and Office Manager Abril Cisneros (MX, 2001) is Curator and Project Coordinator Mari Kolcheva (BG, 1986) is Head of Education and Public programsSelected Projects:
Slow Drift(s), Chapter 2: Larry Achiampong & David Blandy
The Promise of Ruin(s) Chapter 7: Eternal Sunshine of the Restless Mind
Slow Drift(s), Chapter 1: Peggy Ahwesh
extra_muros: Archeologies of the not-yet
extra_muros: Towards a new domesticity
The Promise of Ruin(s), Chapter 6: General Morphology of Urbanism
The Promise of Ruin(s), Chapter 5: Fully Worktioning
The Promise of Ruin(s), Chapter 4: The insincere charm of things
extra_muros: Semantics of the Shell, CAV Gallery
The Promise of Ruin(s), Chapter 3: From Dust till Dawn
The Promise of Ruin(s), Chapter 2: Misfortunes of the Turbo-Tasking
The Promise of Ruin(s), Chapter 1: Parasites of the Imaginary
extra_muros: The Loading, with Salon 75
Willem de Haan
Tudor Bratu
- Non-profit / Project
- Studios
- Artist-Initiated
+ Active